In this way, the game has a similar premise to other collection based games like Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64. Playing not as the actual Jim, but as a projection of Jim’s super-ego in his head, you must collect marbles from the varying realms of Jim’s mind. Jim has had a terrible accident and is in a coma of sorts. The beginning of EWJ3D is similar to the classic first two installments in that it has an admittedly fun premise. He is, after all, a superhero worm is in a humanoid body who does some pretty crazy stuff to save the day. The arguable best parts of the Earthworm Jim games are their whacked-out sense of humor and the insane concepts. The only decent things here are concept and humor The tight gameplay the series was known for would be lost to the annals of history, it seems. The series’ wacky sense of humor would be replicated in games by Rare through titles like Banjo and Conker. One of those failures was Earthworm Jim 3D. For every Super Mario 64, there was a Bubsy 3D casualty. Sure, some series made the dimensional leap, but others struggled. Some Game Trainers are sometimes reported to be a Virus or Trojan, the most common is a keylogger called HotKeysHook or the file has been packed/protected with VMProtect or Themida and is recognized as Win32/Packed.VMProtect or Win32/ beginning of the three-dimensional age for videogames was the beginning of the end for a few long running and well loved franchises.In most cases using a No-CD or Fixed EXE will solve this problem! Some original games do not work when a certain application has been installed, like DAEMON Tools.When using Fixed Files make sure to use a Firewall which controls outgoing traffic, as some games call back to report the use of these modified files!.When this happens use the original EXE to play online, else you could find yourself banned from the game! Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online.Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online!.Game or Patch Questions? Visit FileForums